
Chapter 1

Wolf shuddered as the door slammed shut, the sound of shoes clattering on the hard concrete floors. The basement looked more cozy than usual, at least that’s what she thinks. The walls of the basement was solid brick, and the stained windows were jammed. Tiles that were once placed on one side of the room were shattered and there was only a blanket, dirty pillow and a teddy bear in it placed on one side where there were no tiles. There was once a fireplace to the opposite of the bed, but it has never been used for longer than forever. People living in the cities would think of it as a prison cell, but to Wolf, it was home. Children like Wolf would cherish any kind of household, from cottages to even vans as long as it is cozy and warm. After being locked in the basement for 4 years, Wolf never recalled what her real name was, therefore naming herself Wolf. She named herself that because after she was forced to live in the wretched place, every night a wolf howled towards the sky like the night swallowed their souls away. At that moment, she knew that was what she felt in the course of her life. Like the sun would never shine. Like she would never feel the wind in her hair. Like daylight would never come…

When Wolf was young, she was just a normal little girl living a normal urban life with her mother. Her father worked in the military as a soldier and go to war for as long as she could remember. Every time he came home, he would give her a possession of his he brought back from the military. Most of the time, it was medals and armours, but she kept everything her dad gave her somewhere special. One was a small teddy bear Wolf loved to the core of her heart. The bear was a small brown teddy with a red ribbon on his neck and beady black eyes. After the bear was given to her, her father went to war yet again, and unfortunately died of a disease. Since then, Wolf slept with the cuddly bear to remind herself about how her dad was a very brave soldier and was a strong fighter. Before Wolf goes to sleep, every night, her mother would place that teddy near the fireplace to make him warm, but one day he got too close and his leg caught on fire. Nobody knew that happened until the fire got worse. The fire department succeeded to save Wolf’s life and the teddy bear, but when they tried to save the mother, it was too late. For the rest of her life, Wolf spent her time in a basement room alone, with only the teddy bear’s company to keep the memory of the most happiest times of her life live in her heart.

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