Trapped in a Dream

Sorry guys, I haven’t started on the first chapter yet, but hey, Here’s a sneak peek ~ Nya!
Brianna Anderson found herself falling deeply asleep on her summer vacation, causing her to dream wildly. It wasn’t just any dream, it was a trap created by a curse within her. She only has 2 moons to wake up from this bad dream. Will she wake up and meet reality or will she be Trapped in a dream ?

Bipetual ?

Have you ever heard the question, ” What is your favourite animal ?” And I know that you’ve all replied with ONE animal, but I don’t choose. I simply just ignore the question and move on, or I say “I don’t have one. I’m bipetual and I’m proud.” so either way you will get an answer from me. But if you put it in my perspective, I think being bipetual is better than liking just one animal.

What does ‘Bipetual’ mean ?
Bipetual means you love all animals no matter what other people do or say about a certain animal. Being bipetual means you’re an animal lover and you do not choose between cats and dogs or bunnies and hamsters, you love them all and they all give humans an advantage and benefits to survive. Dogs, for example, protect their owners in critical times when their owners are in danger. And cats, they drive mice, rats and snakes away from homes to reduce the possibility of getting diseases from these animals. All these animals evolved to keep their species alive, and building bonds with other creatures for companionship and taking refuge with, and every animal is unique in their own way, not to mention that we could possibly learn more from them.

Why should I become Bipetual ?
Being bipetual means opening up to nature and care for the environment for life. Therefore, our world could be in balance with all animals in it’s rightful place and their population continue to grow normally. If you are a non-bipetual person, you would more likely adopt an animal that you desire from the shelter ( for example, a dog ) . But what about all the other animals ? Studies have shown that there is approximately 7.6 million companion animals who enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats and only approximately 2.7 million shelter animals are adopted each year (1.4 million dogs and 1.3 million cats). If you already adopted a dog, consider adopting a different animal. There are over 1 million pets to choose from so there is no excuse for not adopting an animal in need. By adopting a different animal from an animal shelter, you could save their life and help the shelter to expand and upgrade the quality of food, cages, toys and building for the pets. The more you adopt, the better !

Adopt a pet today and save an animal’s life. Remember, it’s all for the animals !

Take a stand for the Animals !

Humans have been living on planet Earth for centuries, along with other different creatures who we may or may not seen before. We keep growing and our population has gone higher every minute, but we seem to be careless about the animals around us. Don’t believe me ? See for yourself.

Have you ever heard of Veal meat ? Never eat it ! It’s baby cow. How do you feel about eating a small cow ? And also, it is killed in a horrible way ! They first choose some of the fattest calves around, then put them in this little plastic thing that disables them from moving or seeing anyone. They are fed with this plastic tube, followed by horrible food. After a few months, they take the calves out of the plastic things to kill. By then, some of the baby cow can’t even stand ! Each and every calf would be forced to come into this room and get killed ( calves that can’t walk are dragged ) . What kind of life is that ? How would you feel if you were kept in this plastic thing for your whole life and fed horrible food with a small plastic tube, then to find your self killed in the end ? Aren’t you sorry for those calves ? Maybe not at first but after I told you the truth, you’d probably change your mind. And it’s BABY COW. Their lives have been nothing but suffering, and they need a good life of their own you know, just like us. If I ever see Veal meat in a store, I would get upset and just stride right out of the store, tell everyone not to buy Veal meat from there.

Imagine Being a horse… Not that bad, in fact, a dream come true for me! Now imagine being a slaughter horse… A nightmare worse than any other. Think about it, you’ve thrown your all into life, done your best, and for what? To be shoved into a trailer and taken away! Then made to watch others being murdered, knowing it will be your turn soon, to know that no one loves you or cares for you, to know that there’s no chance anyone ever will now, that it’s all over now, after everything you did, trying to please, thinking your just not good enough, and envying those ponies loved by little girls and boys, who would never meet this end. Then the sheer terror of the moment when you’re shoved out in front of the others to be slaughtered… This happens every single day of our lives. Foals taken away from their families, Mares forced to watch other horses die and Horses killed for no reason. People say that horse slaughter is a good thing because they’re way too many horses, but it is not. The best solution is to stop overbreeding horses, then we won’t have too many horses, but people are still slaughtering horses even if they’re an even amount of horses. They could go extinct ! To be honest, horses are actually the reason why we have violins today, because without horses, we wouldn’t be able to make bows for our string instruments. I just cannot believe that humans would do this to horses, after all they’ve done for us.

One of my favorite animals is the Baiji. It’s a freshwater dolphin from China and was declared functionally extinct in 2006. It is the first aquatic mammal to become extinct since the 1950’s and the first well studied to become extinct directly because of human influence. Since I was small, I’ve wanted to see this dolphin with my own eyes and feel it’s soft grey skin against mine. Now I never will. We could have saved it, and we didn’t, and now it’s too late. All we have left are pictures and remains of this animal because we didn’t care enough to protect it’s home. How many others need to go extinct before we take a stand and do something? If we really cared about our environment, the Tasmanian tiger and the Passenger pigeon wouldn’t have gone extinct, the rare Kakapo bird wouldn’t have been endangered, rabbits wouldn’t have been spreading like wild fire and my dream would’ve came true, but the world is just too careless to know my dreams are now crushed.

So, are you satisfied now ? Thought so. How could we be so cruel ? I thought we are nothing like that, but it looks like I’m wrong. But why do we do this ? Animals do not deserve this kind of cruelty ! If you truly love animals, then take a stand and do something ! We may only be a whisper, but with the help of everyone around us, we could stop animal cruelty.

~ Yuna


But, You didn’t ( Friend Poem )

This poem is dedicated to my dear friends to thank them for everything they have done. Even if at some point they left me behind, I’d always be with them no matter how far we are.


When I first met you,
I spilled water on your tee.
You are soaking all over,
And I thought you’d hate me,
But, you didn’t.

When a group of older kids bullied me,
I felt the need to cry.
You were watching from the farther end,
And I thought you would just stand by,
But, you didn’t.

When I went to your birthday party,
I tipped over the stereo table.
I broke the speakers and the chairs,
And I thought you would force me to fix all the cables,
But, you didn’t.

When I went to visit your house,
I stepped on your shirt and tore out a sleeve.
It was expensive, one of a kind in fact,
And I thought you’d make me leave,
But, you didn’t.

When we went on the Sports Carnival,
The coach made us compete.
You wanted to win a trophy real bad,
That I thought you would cheat,
But, you didn’t.

When we went into the Haunted house,
We thought we saw a ghost of some kind.
It was very frightening and so terrifying,
That I thought you’d leave me behind,
But, you didn’t

When we were having lunch together,
We went to a restaurant near the sea.
There was only one piece of prawn left,
And I thought you’d steal it off me,
But, you didn’t.

When the holidays came and new year creeping up,
You told me you were busy and you need to pack.
You said “I’m going on vacation, and I’ll be back at March”,
I believed you, and I thought you would come back,
But, you didn’t.

~ My far distance friends

Should you believe in Animal Myths ?

~ After researching some common animal myths, it is in fact not such a great idea to believe them. Animal myths are not to take seriously and you should not base real facts on these myths.

1. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks
This myth is partly ridiculous as dogs can learn at any age. Most dogs do not need to learn new skills as they are born with them. In the 1920s – 1940s , a dog named Mick the Miller, a greyhound aged 12 human years, won 2 of the English Greyhound Derby and was well known as the first greyhound that ran 525 yards course in 30 seconds.

2. Camels store water in their humps
No, camels do NOT store water in their humps. Instead, they store fat which could be converted into food, water and energy when food is scarce and when fresh water is not available. Very thirsty camels drink up to 100 litres of water to regain hydration, but a hump do not grow on it’s back when this happens.

3. Bats are blind
From the saying ‘Blind as a bat’, bats are not blind in any way. Most bats use Eco-location to create a vision of the world around them as well as use their nocturnal vision to see where they are going. Fruit bats does not often use Eco-location but instead, depend on it’s nocturnal vision to see the world and it’s daylight vision to keep an eye for predators.

4. Goldfish has a 3 second memory
For most pet goldfishes, they do not have a 3 second memory. They could remember things for up to three months such as, feeding times, when their owners change the water and even their owners face ! Studies have shown not only goldfishes have this phenomenon, but fresh water carps could be tought how to tell the difference between Blue and Pink.

5. Ostriches bury their heads in the sand
As many cartoons featured ostriches doing this when they’re scared, they do not bury their heads in the sand. Ostriches are quite large animals, but their heads are quite small. It is not because they could bury their heads easily in the sand, but to put less weight on the bird itself.

Burying your head in sand is not a very good idea when there is a predator prowling about the trees. They could easily get to you and eat your body, leaving your head in the sand. Breathing in sand is rather difficult to manage when there is a predator ready to feast on you. It is not a very smart choice to put your head in a pile of sand when there is trouble here and now ! The very first impression for an ostrich when it is harmed is to run.

6. You will grow warts if you touch a toad or a frog
This myth started because many frogs and toads have bumps on their skin that look like warts and some people thought the bumps are contagious. But Of course, this myth is far than being true. Human warts are actually caused by a human virus, not frogs or toads, but some frogs or toads have toxic skin, so be sure to still wash your hands after handling them.

7. Cats have nine lives
Most people say that cats have nine lives, but just like other animals, cats only live once. This saying was created because cats have been observed falling from very high falls without any serious injuries. This gives the appearance that cats could come back to life after fatal accidents. Cats are most likely to use their sense of balance and their advantage to land on all 4 feet every time they fall off high levels.

Studies have shown that cats have more chances of survival in higher levels than lower levels. The New York vetenarians gathered data from their patients and found that 10.2% of their patients died from falling from 2-6 storey buildings while only 5.7% of their patients came with serious injuries falling from 9-23 storey buildings. This is an amazing phenomenon to refer to when someone says ‘Cats have nine lives’

8. Dogs can only see black and white
Dogs could actually see colour, but not in the same way as humans. They could only see Yellow, blue and brown pigment, and their vision is focused on one particular thing.

The Power of the Human Mind !

Can you raed tihs ? I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheeardch at Cmabridge Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Isn’t tihs so wreid ? I tnhik it is the wreidset tnihg on Ertah ! Sahre tihs wtih yuor fenrids if you can raed tihs txet.

10 different ways to annoy people on the elevator

1. Stand silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off
2. Greet everyone who gets on with a warm handshake and tell them to call you anonymous
3. MEOW occasionally
4. Pretend you are reading a book about aliens, then stare at a passenger who had just came on for awhile. Then, after about 10 seconds you announce in horror “You’re one of them !” Then back away.
5. Say DING on each floor
6. Make explosion noises every time someone presses a button
7. When there is only one person left on the elevator, you press a button, then point to them and announce “You pressed it !”.
8. Drop your pen, then wait for someone to kneel down and pick up your pen. When they do, you point at them and scream “That’s mine !” .
9. When the elevator is packed and they’re all going to the same floor, when the door opens, you say “Group Hug” then enforce it.
10. Bring a brightly coloured cardboard into the elevator, lay it on the floor and claim it as your personal space. Hiss at anyone who tries to go through it.

10 facts about you

1. You are reading this text
2. You find this a very weird statement
4. You didn’t realise that I skipped three
5. You checked just after I told you so
6. You’re smiling awkwardly to that statement
7. You are still reading this even though it is unnecessary.
9. You didn’t realise I skipped a number again.
10. You checked again and smiling that you fell for it again.
11. You’re enjoying this.
12. You didn’t realise that there is 12 facts instead of 10.